Genete Mariam IDP Site, Gilgel Beles (Benishangul-Gumuz)
The first location was the Genete Mariam IDP (Internally Displaced People) site located close to Gilgelbeles zone, which is situated in the centre of the Benishangul-Gumuz region.
This is a site for internally displaced people, ie those who have lost their homes and land due to the conflict between the Gumuz militia and neighbouring communities. It was a site comprised of tents marked with names of aid organisations, tents that are disintegrating, leaking and where a single tent is barely large enough for a family of 4 let alone 4 to 5 families! Most people have been here for at least 3 years. . Most aren't able to return to their original place of residence as they are worried about further attacks by so called "Unidentified Armed Groups".