A photography project aimed at nurturing and developing the very important building blocks of life of those living in disadvantaged developing communities. Our belief is that every possibility begins with a little bit of hope and a little bit of confidence.

To date, Dream Big as offered this program to 20 children in Oaxaca, situated in Southern Mexico, home to the largest indigenous population in Mexico. We maintain a sustainable relationship with the local charity group where we continue to support the children by sponsoring their education.

In late 2009, we will be heading to Himo, Tanzania where we will once again share this program with 22 orphans and for the first time, extending the program to women in need.

Prints and greeting cards are available for purchase. Check out the children's work in the "In Oaxaca, Mexico 2008" gallery. We will soon be bringing out a coffee table book named "The Children's Work" that you can also purchase. So stay tune. Please support these children and women by making a small donation or purchasing one of the items on offer. Thank you.

You can contact me on [email protected]
